Pet Forest

Pet Forest is a free to play browser-based Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) featuring awesome graphics and smooth gameplay.

The game features MMORPG elements including avatar system, gear crafting, weapon reinforcement, living skills, numerous quests and much more. In the game players will take up the role selected from the following: Warrior, Mage, Ranger, and Priest.

Pet Forest employs active time battles with assistance of various pets. There are series of cute pets with unique looks and personalities for players to choose from. Given a considerate gaming experience, players are able to switch the battle between manual and automated modes. The off-line training function allows players to take care of characters and pets without having to worry about death caused by temporary absence.

Key features:

  • Unique Pet System, Collect your pet companions and develop them into valuable battle support. Each pet has distinct talents and advantages that can greatly assist you in battles. Tame one of your own and create your best online partner;
  • Battle and Instances: Six different types of instances await for your challenge. Defeating the instance boss within the limited time will give you treasure box containing rare items. Group up and head forward to the exciting adventure;
  • Crafting and Enhancement: Pet Forest incporporates complete crafting system for players to craft out desired weapons and armors. From material collection, equipment forging and upgrade, to perforation and inlay, everyone can forge items according to individual needs;
  • Abundant Quests: Pet Forest consists of a variety of Quests, major quests will lead you through the adventure across the ancient land, while side quests and daily quests let you sharpen battle skills and accumulate wealth at the same time.

Additional Resources:

Official ForumWikiOfficial Facebook Page

Pet Forest Tips:

  • Players can level up faster by creating a party and inviting other players to join their party. Players can also join parties created by other players.
  • Party members should cooperate with each other so that everyone will gain experience quickly.
  • Inviting your friends to play Pet Forest Online with you is one way of ensuring that you will always have party members willing to collaborate and work together as a team.
  • The levels of monsters that you will attack should be well within the range of monsters that you can actually kill. Attack monsters that are a couple of levels lower or higher than your level. Do not attack extremely weaker monsters than you are as you would probably gain little experience from them.
  • Make sure your party will be diverse. Try to invite at least one or two from each class to your party. Warriors will be great for melee attacks. Rangers are skillful at ranged attacks. Mages are powerful at elemental attacks. Last, but certainly not the least, priests will provide healing and supporting magic that will significantly boost the other party members’ abilities and power.
  • Warriors should concentrate on physical trainings and weapon mastery as they have high physical damage resistance but low magical defense.
  • Warriors should be equipped with heavy armor and powerful swords.
  • Mages should concentrate on cultivating elemental powers and mental forces as they have limited physical defense.
  • Mages can be major assets in party battles.
  • Priests should concentrate on improving intelligence as well as enhancing their divine powers.
  • Rangers should concentrate on swift but accurate attacks as high dexterity will increase their attack strength and ability to evade enemy hits.
  • Players will receive first talent quest at level 16.
  • Players above level 21 will receive one (1) talent point at every two levels.
  • Players should not forget to purchase a talent book from the Handbook Merchant.
  •  Pet Skill Books and Pet Slot Keys can be acquired via quests in-game.
  • Players will need to use a Pet Oblivion Shard for a pet to forget a skill.
  • Oblivion Shards can be obtained from quests and level packages after you reach level 50. Players can also purchase Spellstones from the cash shop or buy them from other players in-game.
  • The best solution for a pet with an extremely low happiness bar is feeding it a “Fruit of World Tree”.
  • Pets and target enemies cannot have a level difference of 10 or more.
  • Players can increase a pet’s vitality by feeding it pet cookies. Pet vitality is the pet’s energy source. It plays an important in combat. Keeping your pet constantly vitalized will help your pet deal more damage during battle.
  • The rate of success of pet integration can be boosted by increasing the level of the minor pets to be used, using minors of a higher talent rank, and using a higher ranked fusion stone.
  • A pet’s growth score determines the kind of stats the pet will get when it levels up. The higher the score, the more stats the pet will have.
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