
DarkEden is free to play online horror action MMORPG played in isometric view, developd by SOFTON and published by Ignited Games. DarkEden takes places in the fictional Eastern European country of Eslania where a war rages between Vampires, Slayers, and Ousters who compete for control of the powerful Blood Bible.

Darkeden is a hack-and-slash game, which requires the players to kill hordes of monsters in order to make their character progress. This character progression varies according to the different races.

Slayers only have to attack a monster or player to gain experience points. Vampires need to kill a monster or player and drink its blood to gain the full extent of the experience points available.

Ousters just have to kill to gain these points. For the same monster, ousters gain more experience points out of them than vampires do even when drinking their blood. This is an aspect of the balanced system present in the game between the races having each a special advantage: the slayers sell the heads and skulls of monsters (one of the ways to make money in the game) at the highest prices to npc, the vampires drop the best items out of the 3 races, and the ousters get experience points the quickest.

Darkeden is heavily PVP oriented. Except for few safe zones, players can be attacked without any restriction at any moment by other players.

DarkEden resources:

Community Forum

DarkEden Facebook page

DarkEden trailer and gameplay videos

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