Bug Village

Bug Village is a 3D social city building game available on Google plus, Android and iPhone, a tiny town where you build and nurture a colony of ants and busy bees! Construct homes to attract playful bugs and direct them to the garden, where they can gather resources to expand your village. Feed your bugs to keep them energized and healthy. Add cute decorations and flowers to make the colony even better. Small is beautiful in Bug Village!

Bug Village is developed by Glu.com, on Google+ when you run the game for the first time, you’ll need to allow it to download and install the game files into your pc, after this it will run as normal, the reason for this is pretty simple, Bug Village is played in full 3D on your browser, with beautiful game graphics and animations! On Android and iphone all you need is to follow the play now links below and get your app for free.

Bug Village game mechanics are the usual ones in city building  games, you get a really nice and detailed tutorial to start, explaining the basics, you have to build houses to increase population, provide sources for resources and work for your little citizens. Finish several quests in order to get rewards and experience to level up and get more and better buildings, decorations and resources. You can also visit your friends for bonus, and there are some random events to break the routine, like helping out a turned Ladybug.

Overall, Bug Village is a nice change for 2 reasons, cute theme and great 3D approach to the city building genre.


  • A BEAUTIFUL, MINIATURE 3D WORLD – The first fully 3D casual city building game on Google+
  • BUILD YOUR OWN VILLAGE AND GARDEN – Place new bug houses and decorations in the village and plant flowers in the garden
  • BUGS CAN BE CUTE TOO! – Interact with your Ants and Bees, help Ladybugs and shoo away the Stinky Bugs and Ant Lions
  • KEEP YOUR BUGS HAPPY – Feed your bugs cookies, cupcakes and other fun food items

Gameplay videos

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