Tales Runner is a Massively multiplayer online game developed by Gpotato, and is free to play, with option to buy for extra items.
It combines the genres of social, fantasy and racing games where you compete by running, jumping, dashing, skiing and climbing across different magical fairy tale settings.
You can choose from 10 different customizable characters with different stats. Players may have as many or as few characters as they wish, and once purchased are permanent additions to a players My Room.
Choose from several racing modes, including individual races where each player runs for himself, team mode with two teams, and relay mode with up to six teams of three players. There’s also a mode for up to 30 players racing as well as a Tournament Mode for special events, and also a 8 players co-operate to finish the face.
Racing rewards differ dependent on the position at which the player or its team finished.
Game Type: Download Client, Download here
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