Zynga Slingo

Zynga Slingo is a slots and bingo game all together and the all new Zynga Game on Facebook. Although Slingo is not new concept, the game started on America Online 15 years ago, Zynga launched it on Facebook with the Zynga touch. Meaning fantastic graphics, awesome gameplay and all the usual social features players are used to enjoy.

“Anybody who’s played Slingo in the past will feel right at home,” says Rich Sawel, product manager for Zynga Slingo.

Players have to “spin” using a certain number of available balls and match numbers to fill a bingo card. They can bump up their score by earning balls and coins. Get a “bingo” by matching five numbers vertically, horizontally or diagonally, there also additional Patterns with additional rewards.When the free Balls come to an end you can by more, trade points for extra red balls or collect the points gathered, you can also attempt to finish the whole card for an added Bonus, it is just a matter of cost vs reward.

Players can also wager their points, the whole loot or just a percentage, and flip the devil v. cherub coin to potentially win big or lose it all.

There are five “worlds”, with several stages each, in which to play Slingo and lots of visual appeal, confetti, flashes, bright colors, a moving joker in the bottom right corner.

Zynga kept the cherub and devil images from the original Slingo version.

Zynga Slingo features two game modes, the story mode, or stage mode where you play alone, trying to finish stages and goals comparing the results with a leaderboard system, or you can play with your friends (feature to come soon).

Trailers and Gameplay Videos

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