FrontierVille is a farming and wild west exploration Facebook game quite similar to FarmVille, but putting yourself in a quite more western environment.
Frontierville is described by its creators as a ‘Wild West strategy, resource management and family life sim’. This gives you an idea of what you will need to pay attention to as the game unfolds.
One of the first things you notice is that everything you do uses up energy but results in a reward. To rise through the game efficently you need to make the optimum choices at each stage so that you get the best returns for the energy used.
To level up you need experience points. The quicker you get them, the faster you will rise to the higher levels. To get experience points you need to keep up your income from crops, animals, trees and quests. Again, this means a careful balance between resource and energy.
Frontierville Gameplay Videos
Frontierville energy tips
Frontierville walkthrough and tips