
Miniconomy is a free to play online economy game, where you can have your own shop and trade goods with other players. The goal is to make money and become as rich as possible, but each player can choose how to get there. Either by selling products, banking, shipping, running a club, selling cars, offering services or taking a job. It is also possible to earn money through criminal activities.

You can also make a career by being a police officer, mayor of one of the many cities, real estate agent, bank manager or even president.

The game offers a very detailed tutorial and manual to get you started, and 2 gameplay modes with different levels of difficulty and features.

Miniconomy is also used for educational purposes, on several Middle Schools, and specially for the subjects of Economics, Management and Organization and Math. To play the game, all you need is your browser.

Available in English, Dutch, Spanish, Danish and Portuguese.

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