Dawn of isles

Dawn of isles is a mobile game (MMORPG) produced by Netease,Inc. It brings a fun-tastic world to the gamers through refreshing visuals, DIY experience, powerful elemental combos, and rich types of gameplay.

Dive into the Captivating Landscapes 
– A New World of Vibrant and Refreshing visuals! 

Build What you Need with your Own Hands! 
– Collect, Produce, Upgrade at your whim! 

Utilize Elemental Combos in Combat 
– Master the very Element; Turn defeat into victory! 

Match wits against your rivals and foes 
– Team up in the Fights full of unexpected twists and thrills!


APK: https://mega.nz/#!na4xlSKT!7u-InqmUikF9rJfFqMg80DhslBIdDIR5ClecHb2vtZc

OBB: https://mega.nz/#!3e5xXSZb!pS-MGdUV7OCvRx1CPJjb6gsCacxlzzCgxpQFUZKEjoY

1. Create folder Android/obb/com.netease.hdjygb in SDcard or Internal Memory.
2. Copy the main.8.com.netease.hdjygb.obb to folder Android/obb/com.netease.hdjygb

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